I've been thinking a lot about the ladies I know who have suffered loss and those who are struggling to conceive. I don't think I will ever forget that pain, the empty feeling I had, or that deep longing. I send my thoughts, prayers, and support to those who are going through that turmoil.
In honor of you and this week... National Infertility Awareness Week, October 19-25 ... I ask that anyone reading this please visit the RESOLVE website. Please, become more aware, spread the awareness, and show your support.
If you have another free moment I encourage you to watch this video on youtube.
This first one makes me cry every time I watch it.
I am thankful to the creator because it reminds me of our journey to grow our family. All of it ... the tests, blood work, sitting around in waiting rooms, injections, ultra sounds, feeling like my body was a science experiment, feeling like my body had failed me, and times that I felt like I had failed as a woman... ALL of it was difficult and still makes me cry, but now it feels WORTH IT already. I don't think Matt or I would be as strong, happy, or as appreciative for our blessing as we are today had we not endured that TOGETHER. I think it gave us another area of appreciation for each other. Because, if you've been through that, then you know that your partner is the only one besides yourself who truly understands what it was like. We understand what it was like to sit beside each other through it. He held my hand through the pain of the HSG, the injections, the blood work and uncomfortable ultra sounds. We watched those follicles, that would never be babies, grow and then disappear together. We hugged each other through the repeated negative pregnancy tests. It helped create a stronger us. Still, there are days when I wish it had been easier, because even though I see the benefits and even though we are past the struggle to try to conceive our first child, it is still painful to think about. I think about others who have gone through SO much more. My heart aches for them and I pray for them.
I can't forget to mention friends too. Above I said that your partner is the only one who truly understands what it's like but to be honest, those friends play an amazing role too. They were there to listen, offer support, and distraction. Friends helped me more than I can even describe. I think it's all too easy to become completley consumed with TTC. They helped me through it and helped me keep a balance. It's amazing to have someone there for you but also to be there for ... to listen to them, to ask how their day was, to be there for their ups and downs too. I don't know where I'd be without my friends. Thanks girls!
I'm thinking about my friends... especially those dealing with trouble TTC/infertility. You're never far from my thoughts.
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