I loved reading these lists on what was helpful to others during the first few weeks with a newborn. So here is mine...
A boppy pillow. I used it in the hospital and at home for each feeding. It wasn't until the 2nd week that I was comfortable nursing w/o it but I still prefer to use it.
Aden and Anais cotton muslin wraps. Ethan was breaking out of the flannel receiving blankets so these were SUPER helpful during that time. They are also much more breathable while still keeping him warm.
A Swaddle Me was too big for Ethan during the first 2 weeks but we're nearing our 3rd week and he's about 8 pounds now so I tried it again. He fought it like crazy the first time I put it on him but he settled down shortly after and slept much more soundly.
TONS of washcloths. We were given about 30 washcloths and we thought that was WAY too many. Well, Ethan developed a diaper rash during his first week home so we had to stop using baby wipes. We used wet washcloths instead so it was great to have a lot of them. They are also really handy to have on the changing table to cover his penis during changes. We've forgotten or moved it a couple of times and he peed on us, the wall, everything!
Gerber prefold diapers to use as burp cloths. We have these all over the house. They are not great as cloth diapers (not absorbent enough)but fantastic burp cloths. You can get them anywhere (the link I posted was just one that came up with a Google search). I think we bought ours at Babies R Us but I know Target has them too.
MAM pacifiers. We allowed the nurses to give him a pacifier in the hospital since breastfeeding was going well. They gave him one of these. We had some at home too. He didn't really take it much the first two weeks but likes it now. We tried a Soothies brand one too but the nipple was too long. He gagged! This is just what worked for him and was recommended by the Lactation Consultant I've met with.
Ameda Purely Yours breast pump. By day 3 my milk came in and I was SEVERELY engorged. It was incredibly painful. I pumped for comfort and am so glad that I had a pump here at home during the first week. I didn't continue pumping because I didn't want to have an oversupply.
Things that helped me with engorgement were cold compresses, waiting to shower until right after a feeding, and ice packs when it was unbearable.
We had him wear little side snap shirts like they put on him in the hospital. He wore these for about the first week. His umbilical cord stump fell off when he was about 12 days old.
Homedics Sound Spa Lillaby is WONDERFUL! Other ladies recommended it to me and I'm glad I listened to them! We use the ocean sound above his bassinet, which I think reminds him of the sounds in the womb. The projection is nice because I use it as a night light to check on him. It's not a bright light and an easy button to push when I'm trying to determine if he's just grunting in his sleep or waking up to eat.
We call him Mr. Whoozit. Ethan LOVES to look at him while getting his diaper changed. Especially the back of him which is black and white. Ethan is a squirmy little guy and doesn't care for diaper change time. It's nice to have a few moments where he's content during this time ... just gazing at Mr. Whoozit. BTW, I found him for much less on Amazon then the link I posted so search around if you're going to buy it.
Mr. Peacock is another favorite. He is black, white, and red on back so Ethan loves looking at him too. We hang him from the bar of his bouncer. He prefers it to the toys on the bar right now. It gives us a few minutes to eat/get something done.
The Happiest Baby on the Block DVD. I have used it for work so I was familiar with the techniques but reviewed it twice again with Matt before Ethan was born. These techniques have been REALLY helpful in soothing Ethan.
Another soothing item has been an exercise ball. Matt bounces with Ethan and it calms him down and often times puts him right to sleep.
I'm sure there's more and I'll rave about those things later.
I'm not TTC, but this was so helpful that I'm bookmarking it for the future. Thanks!