Saturday, March 12, 2011

September 2010

We were supposed to move in September but we kept getting delayed by the guy who was buying our townhouse. 

I decided to get my hair cut and bring it back to it's natural color.

I also thought that maternity skinny jeans were a good idea, even if maternity and skinny seem like an oxymoron.
26 wks pregnant


Ethan passed his soy challenge!!!  This was our first challenge at the allergist's office.  FOUR HOURS in a small room with a toddler.  We were prepared for the worst but Ethan did fantastic.  He was such a champ.  He loved the little bits of soy milk they gave him, was interested in getting his pulse-ox checked, and enjoyed all the new toys mommy and daddy brought to keep him busy.
His first treat was a graham cracker!
We went apple picking for the first time.
We bought Ethan his first toy golf club and he was in love.  You should see it now - duct taped to hold it together but he still plays with it daily.


  1. I love his little gut sticking out playing golf. He already looks like a golfer!!
    And those skinny jeans are way cute!

  2. Love your "new" hair. I think your belly really popped between 26 and 27 weeks. And of course, Ethan is absolutely adorable!
